Feb 18, 2010

Guerrilla Signs from US

In 2001, just after my graduation, I had a job interview with an IT, e-learning solutions company, and an IT school as well. They didn't have much marketing budget, so here I was suggesting we should use Guerrilla Marketing tactics. And of course when they've heard about the word guerrilla, you can easily say that it was the 1st time they have ever heard about it. When they are convinced that it was nearly free I've got hired:) I remember myself giving out fliers in some different outfits or trying to find new ways to surprise people without spending huge amounts of money. PS:Click if you need some further info on what guerrilla marketing is.
Startup Guide to Guerrilla Marketing: A Simple Battle Plan for First-Time Marketers
Further Reading: As the definer of the term, Jay Conrad Levinson's books can be suitable for beginners.

Anyway, we cannot call it guerrilla marketing, but can definitely call it guerrilla street art! Below TrustoCorp's fantastic guerrilla signs from US.
Click to see TrustoCorp's all great guerrilla sign works.

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