Feb 27, 2010

A Perfect Project by Swedish T-Post: AR Rock, Paper, Scissors

Are you stuck with how to interact with your clients? Need new ways to get their attention? Then read some Swedish Magazines for God's sake!!! T-post is the Swedish magazine that gave away the world's first wearable augmented reality t-shirt.

The t-shirt projects a 3-D interactive game of Rock, Paper, Scissors...

Click to play.
PS: If you can’t get one of these shirts; just print out this symbol and attach it to whatever you like.
The creators of this perfect idea is: Moment 77

An Artist To Watch: Keiichi Matsuda

It's been a while he is out there we know, but late is better than never. Let us introduce you  Keiichi Matsuda. A designer and film-maker, currently in the final year of his Architecture Masters at the Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) in London.

This is his "Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop" film: 

Here's his words on that superb film: "The latter half of the 20th century saw the built environment merged with media space, and architecture taking on new roles related to branding, image and consumerism. Augmented reality may recontextualise the functions of consumerism and architecture, and change in the way in which we operate within it.

A film produced for my final year Masters in Architecture, part of a larger project about the social and architectural consequences of new media and augmented reality."
PS: If you wonder what Augmented Reality is, can read from here.

Feb 25, 2010

New Pleix Animation: Piu

You must remember Pleix with their successful Duracell Fusion animation. (Yeah the pink bunnies on the picture)
This time Pleix goes Piu for French Warm&Fuzzy. Watch the brand new animation from Pleix: Piu here;

Full Credits
Client: Pleix
Production Company: warm&fuzzy
Director: Pleix
Date: Feb 24, 2010
Category: Short Film
Genre: VFX/Animation

Feb 22, 2010

Access: An agency to watch

You've must heard of The Cool Hunter (culture and design site, a global hub for what's cool, thoughtful, innovative and original, founded in 2004 by Bill Tikos) and Access is their new creative ideas agency.
Here's the agency's last concept; Puma Spinstar
A touring program that finds participants who can last the longest in a spin class, with Puma as the backdrop. The best part of that project is of course its design! Ah and an opportunity to receive $25,000 cash, and more prizes! Check for details.
And the previous project from Access for McDonald's, McFancy. It's part art installation, a restaurant that offers a traditional McDonald’s menu but packaged in a way that makes a playful yet stylish nod to the lifestyle of the highly desirable, influential consumers that attend Fashion Weeks. With 16 sized models trend at London Fashion Week, I guess this project will be more meaningful!

Feb 18, 2010

socialmedia worldforum Europe!!

Let me give you a list of some names;
  • Kevin Eyres, Managing Director LinkedIn Europe
  • Trevor Johnson, Head of Strategy and Planning, EMEA, Facebook
  • Evan Solomon, VP Marketing, Justin.tv 
  • Stephane Panier, Global Head, Bebo 
  • Lucas Herscovici, Global Head of Digital and Innovation, Stella Artois & Beck's 
  • And many many more... (Click here for the full list of speakers.)
Social Media World Forum And what if I say you can listen all of the people above in 2 days at one place?
Yeah socialmedia worldforum Europe will take place in London, Olympia Conference Centre at 15-16 March 2010!

Still thinking about why to attend, and do not mind the speakers even though you're in marketing/advertising or related sectors? Ok you are a little bit weird let's admit it... Here are the other reasons;
  • Two conference streams for 2 days – get access to over 120 top speakers
  • Schedule meetings in advance and improve your connections – take advantage of the pre-show online meeting planner
  • Integrated events experience with Social Networking World Forum and Mobile Social Networking conference – combined exhibition allowing complete industry interaction
  • The complete industry conference - debating all major topics past, present and future
  • Learn from universal experience – Real, worldwide, case study examples from  networks, brands, corporates, content providers and application roll outs.
  • And maybe we will be able to meet at the event as well :) Hope to see you there!

VISA vs MasterCard vs AmEx

Looking closely to 3 big players in the card business in terms of ad campaigns; VISA, American Express and MasterCard.
VISA: Life flows better with VISA. We see some running men (running to make it to his wedding, or a Forrest Gump'ish football fan running)
What's in it 4 me? Use your VISA card and look how fast it is to use your card instead of cash. Ok, but so what?

MasterCard: Priceless campaign flows better than VISA.Young, fun and emotional as well.
What's in it 4 me? Pet Shop Boys performance chez moi! Cool :)

American Express: Realize The Potential campaign works in a straightforward way, which is ok. Message is clear, implemetnantions are simple and nice.
What's in it 4 me? Great customer service, can easily seen that testimonials turned into a good animated ad. Would definitely consider getting an AmEx after seeing that ad.

Guerrilla Signs from US

In 2001, just after my graduation, I had a job interview with an IT, e-learning solutions company, and an IT school as well. They didn't have much marketing budget, so here I was suggesting we should use Guerrilla Marketing tactics. And of course when they've heard about the word guerrilla, you can easily say that it was the 1st time they have ever heard about it. When they are convinced that it was nearly free I've got hired:) I remember myself giving out fliers in some different outfits or trying to find new ways to surprise people without spending huge amounts of money. PS:Click if you need some further info on what guerrilla marketing is.
Startup Guide to Guerrilla Marketing: A Simple Battle Plan for First-Time Marketers
Further Reading: As the definer of the term, Jay Conrad Levinson's books can be suitable for beginners.

Anyway, we cannot call it guerrilla marketing, but can definitely call it guerrilla street art! Below TrustoCorp's fantastic guerrilla signs from US.
Click to see TrustoCorp's all great guerrilla sign works.

Feb 16, 2010

100 Things 2 Watch in 2010 by JWT

Here we are on February 2010, but how the trends are changing this year? Slow drinks (opposition to Red Bull. Read further) to rock this year, a girl band from South Korea to rule the lists (The Wonder Girls, song Nobody PS:The real song starts at 1:50), Organic Fast Food (Wave from US to Europe, Top 10 US Chart) to change our new fast food brand choice behaviours, The Rise of Marina Silva from Brazil, to be one of the new leading global female leader... Thanks to JWT, we are all aware of what/who to watch in 2010. Not to mention that mostly all about going green. If you're looking for new business ideas; you are at the right place.
Here's the great presentation. Skip to slide 8, if u already know JWT. (Adweek’s “2009 Global Agency of the Year”)
View more presentations from iainwhite.

Ah and why JWT is a trendsetter? Well JWT is the member of the leading agency family of 2009, WPP, with more than 200 offices in over 90 countries employing nearly 10,000 professionals. And serving to most of the global brands whose marketing & advertising budgets are pretty huge...

Feb 15, 2010

Fancy A Weight Measure While Waiting 4 Ur Bus?

Ok it may be a little bit depressing to announce everybody on the street your real weight, but the N=5 agency from Amsterdam, Netherlands saw that insight and turned this into opportunity. Do you think Fitness First's campaign will increase its membership figures? 

Here is the YouTube video:

Feb 14, 2010

The future of online advertising?

Probably you have already heard that the future of online advertising will be much more different from that we know now. Online applications are more effective than advertising, internet is something that we can touch with the launch of iPad...
Ashley Friedlein (CEO and co-founder of Econsultancy) will make a speech about that subject at TFM&A 2010. Ah the title is "The future of online marketing is... offline." I will definitely be there, join me at Earl's Court if you are interested as well! Click for free registration. Date: 23-24 February 2010 @ Earls Court 2, London

Be there if you're into marketing or/& advertising!

Feb 10, 2010

Virtual Strike against multiple agency pitches, Belgium

If you try to reach 14 of Belgium agencies, I should say that all you'll see will be a letter. Because 14 agencies across Belgium took part in The Virtual Strike against multiple agency pitches! Including; BBDO, Ogilvy, JWT, saatchi, mccann and many more...


They state that they saw more than 10 agencies were invited to some pitches...They definitely have a point!!! Click to support

Top 10 Most Influential Internet Moments

The Webby Awards have chosen The Top Ten Most Influential Internet Moments of the last Decade.
Napster was one of the most loved brands for me, and get really sad when it's closed in 2001. That event changed consumers' and producers' perspective through online music distribution.
Google of course, will be again on the top 10 list of this decade without doubt, as well as Apple's iPad stating that it changed all our internet usage behaviors.
Wow what a decade, it changed all our online perceptions, and behaviors consequently. But if I created a list like that mine would definitely include the facebook organic group revolt; RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE FOR CHRISTMAS NO.1 with 982,142 members. This is a real revolt from people who are not in a crisis, or need any help etc... And it resulted to be the "first ever download only christmas number 1 song"

Anyway, here's Webby Awards' list;
Craigslist expands outside San Francisco (2000)
In 2000, the free classifieds site broadened its reach outside of San Francisco into nine additional U.S. cities, sending chills down the spines of newspaper publishers everywhere. Today Craigslist serves free listings in more than 500 cities in 50 countries, serving as a model for no-frills business and community success and the catalyst for countless jobs, apartments, and just about anything else you can think of.
Google AdWords launches (2000)
With the launch of AdWords in October 2000, Google turned advertising on its head. The self-service ad program opened up the marketplace to any business, no matter how big or small, and allowed advertisers to target their customers with laser-sharp precision.
Wikipedia launches (2001)
Containing 20,000 articles in 18 languages by the end of its first year online, Wikipedia today boasts more than 14 million articles in 271 different languages. The free open-source encyclopedia epitomizes the Internet's power to bring strangers from around the world together to collaborate on projects both big and small.
Napster Shut Down (2001)
Although Napster was shut down in 2001, it opened the file-sharing floodgates. Its demise sparked a wave of innovations that forever changed how we obtain and experience music and video - from Hulu to iTunes to Radiohead famously dropping its label and self-distributing their "In Rainbows" CD online for free.
Google IPO (2004)
Google's IPO, one of the largest in history, put the six year old search engine on the path to becoming the most dominant and influential company of the decade. From gmail and YouTube to Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Android, the Internet giant and constant innovator is the engine that powers countless aspects of our everyday lives.
Online video revolution (2006)
In 2006, a perfect storm of faster bandwidth, cheaper camcorders, and the groundbreaking use of Adobe's Flash 9 video player by YouTube combined to launch the online video revolution. The trifecta led to a boom in homemade and professional content - the Diet Coke and Mentos guys, lonelygirl15, SNL's Lazy Sunday, and Senator George Allen's "macacagate" - that has reshaped everything from pop culture to politics.
Facebook opens to non-college students and Twitter takes off (2006)
In September 2006, a social networking site for college students changed its user qualifications to include anyone 13 and older with a valid e-mail address. Facebook struck an immediate chord -- and almost overnight, social media went mainstream. Less than a month later, the creators of Twitter acquired the company and its assets from its investors, paving the way for the service to take off in 2007. Both companies took social media mainstream, radically changing the way we connect, collaborate, and communicate with everyone from friends to colleagues to customers.
The iPhone debuts (2007)
The iPhone was released on June 29, 2007. By the end of the weekend, half a million had been sold, and smartphones had gone from a luxury item to a necessity. The iPhone inspired the development of operating systems like Google Android, as well as an app for just about every aspect of modern life. Over the next decade, it's estimated that a billion new users will come to the Internet for the first time through mobile devices.
U.S. Presidential Campaign (2008)
The Internet altered presidential politicking in 2008 much as television had forty years earlier during the Kennedy/Nixon race. From videos like "Obama Girl" and the Reverend Wright clip shaping the debate, to social media mobilizing voters, to record-breaking online fundraising from small donors, every facet of the way campaigns are run was permanently transformed.
Iranian election protests (2009)
When Iran's 2009 presidential election produced fishy results, the opposition took to the tweets -- and the "Twitter Revolution" was born. In fact, it was so vital to organizing demonstrations that the U.S. State Department asked the company to delay planned maintenance.. The protests also highlighted Twitter's key asset as a protest tool: Since most users don't access it through a central website, it's nearly impossible to censor.

The original article can be found here.

Feb 7, 2010

Graffiti & Aids

A brilliant anti-aids spot from TBWA\Paris. Aides-Graffiti. Click to watch.
Full credits:
Client: Aides
Executive Creative Director: Eric Holden
Executive Creative Director: Remi Noel
Art Director: Ingrid Varetz
Copywriter: Ingrid Varetz
Agency Producer: Virginie Chalard
Agency Producer: Maxime Boiron
Production Company: Wanda Productions
Director: Yoann Lemoine

Feb 4, 2010

Ogilvy Idea Shop, London

When u're in advertising; normally you are expected to know what your clients' customers are up to... But since u work for very long hours, it is not really possible to observe or interact with real people... (Not youtube, facebook, twitter, blip, bebo, etc... interaction)
Ogilvy at that point, created a great project; Ogilvy IDEA SHOP !
Ogilvy started a brand new concept to interact with "real" people in "real" places; pop-up idea shop. The first one is in Brixton Village Market, London;
If you have a small business, but do not know how to attract more visitors/customers, how to get a new direction to solve your problems... Any marketing, advertising, brand consultancy, they give for free! It will last only 3 days in Brixton, and we shall follow Ogilvy for next event! Great people, great ideas, great free talks (from digital creative head of Ogilvy for example) and a great blog...
If I were an advertiser; frankly, that would definitely affect my choice of agency!

Feb 3, 2010

Woods & Bells

Being a former TBWA member, still following the agency's works globally...
Produced by TBWA/PHS Helsinki for Pfizer; this one is called Viagra : Wood, print. I guess the message is pretty obvious, and they didn't need to put a logo or anything. So can we say that the blue pill is becoming a powerful symbol like a Nike swoosh?

And the next one is from Swedish Kokokaka for Wrangler. After their "We Are Animals" campaign; now the new campaign Blue Bell's web application is really disruptive in the way that, they have used the models interacted instead of some constant cool model photos... You can drag and drop them, and it's really fun for users, I should say.
You can watch the teaser film below as well...

Feb 2, 2010

DDB - Sweden, Army Recruitment

Let's say u're sitting on your desk and really can't see a meaning in what u're suposed to do right now. So relax, give a secret break and click here.
PS: Headphones are required. I could live in Sweden I guess, but wouldn't join the Swedish army or any armies in any country.... However this game is fun especally u're stuck in a boring project, or staff...
And here's the brand New Swedish armed forces tv-campaign from DDB Sweden (2010 version);