Apr 4, 2010

Waiting for iPad

Still waiting for iPad to arrive in UK (Some of the rare moments that I wish I lived in States). Even though iPad is thought to have sold around 700,000 in one day, I still hear people saying that they cannot understand the big deal of it. So please let me give some facts about it;
  • iPad's announcement generated 177,000 tweets in the 1st hour alone according to data from Trendrr.com
  • MTV Networks is developing a "co-browsing app meant to be used while watching live TV" which means good news for multitasking TV watchers (via AdAge)
  • Some people were paid $18 per hour to wait on the iPad queue for some "I'm too cool/busy to wait on a queue" people in US. (via Sunday Times)
  • If you were a student in Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, you will receive a free iPad. So you do not need any paper or pen to take notes, and the textbooks are ready to download with your lovely gadget! A brand new facility for education!
  • We will have interactive books, and I think it is good news for writers. A brand new area to discover, no need to print anymore. Instead find a designer and here you go! In my opinion the publishing sector will change from scratch.(Think about the first mp3s, napster and the music industry now)
  • Many magazines, newspapers already have their iPad edition (Time, New York Times, GQ, Wired, Men's Health...) Imagine you are not ought to go to the newsagent in a rainy Sunday morning! (Unless you do not have an iPad for every household ;) Also no need to wait for your favorite magazine every month! And the interactivity factor is quite important as well, isn't it :)
It is of course literally big for your pocket but isn't it a problem to read or play scrabble on your little iPhone screen? It doesnt have a USB, or a camera or does not support flash? iPad is not a replacement, I will not say goodbye to my MacBook after hopefully having my iPad. iPad will be my book, my translator, my music store and player, my game console, my notebook, not my camera obviously...
Let's wait and see the change in every sector iPad touches.

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    1 comments: on "Waiting for iPad"

    Jenna said...

    Here are some other facts about iPad; http://adage.com/mediaworks/article?article_id=143139

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