Feb 27, 2010

An Artist To Watch: Keiichi Matsuda

It's been a while he is out there we know, but late is better than never. Let us introduce you  Keiichi Matsuda. A designer and film-maker, currently in the final year of his Architecture Masters at the Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) in London.

This is his "Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop" film: 

Here's his words on that superb film: "The latter half of the 20th century saw the built environment merged with media space, and architecture taking on new roles related to branding, image and consumerism. Augmented reality may recontextualise the functions of consumerism and architecture, and change in the way in which we operate within it.

A film produced for my final year Masters in Architecture, part of a larger project about the social and architectural consequences of new media and augmented reality."
PS: If you wonder what Augmented Reality is, can read from here.
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