Mar 15, 2010

#smwf Live; Kevin Eyres, MD Linkedin Europe

Kevin Eyres, MD Linkedin Europe;
  • We are overloaded with information. 76,000,000,000 emails everyday. We live in a global economy we have an access to www.
  • Voice, Identity & Filter; Many id on web is anonymous. Eg: Yahoo Answers, etc... "It's not what u know, it's who you know." "'s who and what they know as well."
  • Sharing knowledge is powerful.
  • Social aware; MS Outlook (I can now know who they are) applications are becoming socially aware and it will be more and more aware. If expedia know who I am then the whole process will be more efficient.  
  • Accidental Entrepreneur; a journalist from Norway. He got an iPhone. He posted a discussion on LinkedIn. Anyone who knows anything about how to long my battery life? And someone from China replied. After some conversations; he purchased and solved the problem! Then new people asked for batteries; and here's the Norwegian journalist became a battery seller. An accidental entrepreneur... Really think about the potential. Use twitter as a customer management tool. Dell does that. 
  • Knowledge filter; how in my business can I do in my business as well? The geography of country boundaries doesn't really exist on web. No more local businesses, old School!  How can my business embrace social and adapt my business into the new social network.
Was a great speech indeed. 
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